Sonntag, 26. Juni 2011
The Time Is Now
(Deutsche Version unten)
Last year False Idle have presented an EP to us that contains punk rock style cover-versions of old classics from the hymnbook: the „Hymns of Punk Rock Praise“. Now they have recorded an EP consisting of their own songs. This work is entiteled „I Refuse“ and may definitely be called a highly delectable piece of guitar music. The four guys from Boise, Idaho are truly having a blast on this record. They play some nearly joyful sort of streetpunk that reminds me of the „Infected“-album by Sum 41 here and there because of the melodies. Maybe this is due to the tone color in the voice of singer Sef that possesses a certain similarity to Sum 41's head Deryck Whibley. And since punk rock must not sound perfect, False Idle exhibit a minimum of rumbliness and thus make the EP remain punkishly dirty despite of its great sound. Fans of the genre should not hesitate and download this little gem from Indie Vision Music for free. Shortly a physical release on vinyl is about to follow.

Freitag, 17. Juni 2011
Party in the Backyard
(Deutsche Version unten)
A bunch of skeletons are having a party in their backyard. - This motif decorates the cover of the 12“ EP by Bayonet that will be released next month on Mightier than Sword Records. The music on this disk sounds, how shall I put it?, actually just like what the album cover looks like: A bit of Spook'n'Roll à la Misfits, a bit of Pop-Appeal à la Linkin Park and a huge load of classical Hardcore with a lot of drive. By this composition an extremely variable and interesting record is made up, that catches the attention of its audience from the first to the last second.

Dienstag, 14. Juni 2011
Verbrechen ohne Opfer

Dienstag, 7. Juni 2011
Uncovering the Self-Deception
(deutsche Version unten)
A superb debut record was fired into the orbit by Jawbone from Indiana recently. The EP called „Loss of Innocence“ contains four furious Hardcore songs, that largely do without annoying Metal influences and that go under one's skin by their impressing intensity. Blood & Ink Recods have released the whole thing in the form of a nice 7“ vinyl record.

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