Da finden sich mit den Insyderz, Five Iron Frenzy, October Light und den Dingees einige alte Hasen des fröhlichen Jesusreggaepunk. Auch die Send Out Scuds, die gerade auf der Bekanntheits-Leiter nach oben klettern, liefern einen sehr soliden Titel ab. Besonderes Lob verdient die Compilation aber deshalb, weil sie auch einige unbekanntere Bands berückichtigt und so denen eine Platform verschafft, die sonst nur wenig Beachtung bekommen. Foreign DNA sind so eine coole Combo, die sich aber scheinbar schon wieder von der Bildfläche verabschiedet hat.
Für meine Ohren gibt es zwei extralässige Glanzlichter auf dem Sampler, und die heißen Must Build Jacuzzi und Chilled Monkey Brains. Die Affenhirne kommen aus Florida und verlieren in ihrem Song „Sayonara“ ein paar ehrliche Worte über enttäuschte Liebe. Ein anderer schöner Staat ist Illinois. Dort kann man es sich im Whirlpool bequem machen und chillen. Das tun Must Build Jacuzzi mit ihrem Titel „Chill Out“ auf vorbildliche Weise.
Und jetzt das Geilste: Die Platte gibt’s für umme auf der Homepage von Indie Vision Music zum Download. Da skankt der Bär und feiert das Leben.
Punx not dead. Jesus lives. And Ska, too, is still staying on its toes. Together the three of them form something like the holy trinity of good taste in music. After all those years, Punk, Jesus and Ska are still as fresh as in the beginning. This is proven by a sampler called „Ska Lives, Vol. 1“ that has lately been released by Indie Vision Music. 30 extremely lively Christian Ska-bands each contribute one song to this compilation.
With the Insyderz, Five Iron Frenzy, October Light and the Dingees there are some of the old hands in happy Jesusreggaepunk represented on the album. The Send Out Scuds are presently climbing up the ladder of recognition and they also deliver a respectable track. But most of all the compilation deserves to be praised, because it includes some lesser known bands and so gives a stage to those who usually attract only little public attention. Foreign DNA are one of these cool combos, but they have apparently vanished into thin air again by now.
To my ears there are two extra cool highlights on the sampler, namely Must Build Jacuzzi and Chilled Monkey Brains. The Monkey Brains from Florida say a few honest words about disappointed love in their song „Sayonara“. Another nice state is Illinois. There you can make yourself comfortable in the hot tub and chill. So do Must Build Jacuzzi with their song „Chill Out“ brilliantly.
And now for the way coolest: The cost is zip. You can download the album all for free at the Indie Vision Music homepage. So just get the party started and celebrate life.
Hey, this is Ian from Ska Lives. I just want to say thank you for all of your support! It's awesome to see that people not only in the U.S., but also in Germany appreciate what we're trying to do! You have no idea how much that means to us!
AntwortenLöschen- Ian DeVaney
Hi Ian, you're completely welcome. Thanks for releasing that great compilation. I am looking forward to Volume 2.